My Bouquet Africain allows you to watch live, unlimited and on all your screens (mobile, tablet):- The biggest African entertainment channels (Nollywood TV, A+, Novelas TV, Trace Africa, Trace Gospel, Nollywood TV Epic).- The best Senegalese channels (TFM, RTS1, 2STV, SENTV, SUNUYEUF)- The +D’AFRIQUE video-on-demand service with all Nollywood TV content and the best unlimited African films100s of hours of content available and new releases every month.My Bouquet Africain is also the best of African entertainment:- Nollywood TV, the best of Nigerian cinema- A+, the African fiction channel- Novelas, your romantic series channel- Trace Africa, the number 1 music channel in Africa which broadcasts the greatest hits of African music- Trace Gospel, the channel dedicated to Gospel music in all its forms.- Nollywood TV Epic, the channel to find the greatest classics of African cinema.- TFM, the Senegalese private chair which broadcasts the show "JAAKARLO BI", the morning show "Yewou Lenn" and your favorite local series.- RTS1, the Senegalese public channel which broadcasts the JT in French and several local languages but also the morning "Kinkelibaa", takussan- 2STV, the first private channel in Senegal broadcasting talk-shows (90 together, without taboo, i.e., Sport 2S ..) and flagship series.- SENTV, the first urban television in Senegal (Sen Santé, Sen Show, etc.)- SUNUYEUF, the new channel 100% series and theater from Senegal which gives you an appointment with the greatest actors and productions in Wolof.and many more !+ FROM AFRICA: a video on demand (VOD) service to access hundreds of 100% African content (films, series, youth, documentaries, reports, etc.)Nollywood TV content is also available to see and review your favorite series!THE + OF OUR APPLICATION?- Direct: up to 13 live channels- Nollywood TV content and video on demand (VOD): hundreds of programs available on demand at any time in +D’AFRIQUE (films, series, youth, etc.)- Canal+ Original series- Resume reading on all screens, at any time- the only 100% legal offer- Personalization: choose your favorite programs to find them in one clickFollow us on our social networks of Use and Privacy Policy are always happy to hear your opinion!You have comments, questions or suggestions, write to us at:
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